TerraGenesis Mod


4.5/5 Votes: 73,564
Tilting Point
June 18, 2023
161 MB
Android 6.0 and Up

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Mod Features

  • Genesis Points increase when spent


TerraGenesis Mod – Utilize genuine science from NASA to develop life on barren planets. Think you have the stuff to rejuvenate a dead planet? Would you be able to settle the stars?

Investigate space and terraform new universes in this vivid inactive planet building test system established in genuine science. TerraGenesis progressively invigorates whole planets with evolving biospheres, all dependent on genuine information from NASA.

The universe is your jungle gym in TerraGenesis! With inactive interactivity you can develop genuine planets in our nearby planetary group, planets made only for TerraGenesis and surprisingly outsider universes! At the point when the world is in your grasp, the potential outcomes are genuinely huge. In case you’re a fanatic of space science, inactive games, or asset the board games, you will adore Terragenesis! Download and begin terraforming today!

TerraGenesis Mod – Fabricate A PLANET

– Join one of four interstellar Factions, each with various advantages for building interstellar settlements

– Build whole universes with extra special care, by making compressed territories for your pilgrims so they can make due in unfriendly conditions

– Terraform your planet to help human existence by overseeing explicit assets of every world, including gaseous tension, oxygen, ocean levels, and biomass

– Melt ice covers to make planet-wide seas and seed the planet with life

– Track your civilization’s inactive advancement and your reality’s present status with the Stats Summary Page

TerraGenesis Mod – Find PLANETS and MOONS

– Learn stargazing and settle planets from our nearby planetary group, including Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars!

– Terraform orbital satellites, including The Moon just as the Moons of Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune

– Build civilizations on anecdotal planets, including Bacchus, Ragnarok, Pontus, Lethe and Boreas

– Terraform Dwarf Planets, including Ceres, Pluto, Charon, Makemake, Eris and Sedna

– Discover lost mysteries on Trappist-1 planets, including Damu, Aja, Huanca, Ruaumoko, Asintmah, Ostara, Aranyani

– Travel through time in the Historical Earths crusade, including Vaalbara, Rodinia, Cambria, Cretacea, Dania, Chibania, and Ultima

– Generate irregular universes with complete surface and rise maps, novel beginning conditions and the sky is the limit from there


– Start with 26 distinct phyla and add 64 remarkable qualities to make a wide range of astonishing living beings to possess your reality

– Manage your lifeforms as they flourish in both earthly and amphibian biospheres


– Discover far off planets in space with flourishing outsider human advancements.

– Choose between trying for some degree of reconciliation or overcoming the outsider lifeforms.

– Carry out many missions and fabricate your new world dependent on your outsider technique.


– Save your human advancement and shield your thriving planet from the danger of a space rock assault

– Build a planetary protection organization to recognize monster space rocks in space, start missions to obliterate the danger, shift the space rock’s direction or foster new procedures to endure certain destruction.
