Zombie Defense Mod 12.8.9


Size68 MB
RequirementsAndroid 4.4 and Up

APKGW Telegram

How to install Zombie Defense Mod 12.8.9 APK & OBB ZIP file?

1. Tap the button Zombie Defense Mod 12.8.9 APK & OBB file.

2. After completed dwnload, tap install APK.

3. If the APK cannot be installed, please remove the old installed App from your device. (If you previously installed from here you can replace it).

4. Extract the OBB zip file if the OBB file has the .zip extension using the Zarchiver application. then copy the obb folder into the directory /storage/emulated/0/Android/obb/

5. Play the game. Enjoy.

Note: if the game can't be opened or blank, it means there was an error when you copied OBB file. Attention to the name of OBB folder according to the game or check the contents of OBB folder.

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Mod Features

  • Unlimited Money